Workshops ...

Workshops present a small part of what might be found in one of the courses.

They will typically be something like half a day. Most usually a Saturday from 11.30am. till 3.30pm.

With a structure of something like this:

11.30am. We meet each other, introduce ourselves.

Do a little grounding/relaxing meditation.

A quick look at the structure of the lungs and the movement of oxygen into our blood.

Do a meditation where we focus on the breath and how it moves our body, and how we feel the movement of the breath in our body.

Then we have a chat. Questions, describing our experience.

Then another breath meditation where does our attention naturally go to?

12.30pm. Have a break, a snack.

Come back together and do some movement exercises while we focus on the breath.

Have a chat, share, question.

Now we go for a walk around our room, or down a hallway, while we notice the breath and we notice our body moving, we might notice our feet, the sensation as they touch the floor.

The workshops are available as a recording. The structure here is pretty much the same. However in the live version where we would have a chat you will do some writing. I will ask a question like what did you feel, what did you notice, what did you like, what did you find challenging, where you gentle with yourself, did you come to the practice with curiosity with kindness. Curiosity is important because it lets us just notice (with learning meditation there are a lot of ways to have the same thing described) it lets us allow what is there to just be, just be, without judgement, without ideas, or labeling good, bad. If we can come with openness, with a softness, it is helpful.

There is no right or wrong. You are doing it perfectly even though there is no perfect way. We are learning to notice.

The breath workshop.